Disaster Preparation & Recovery News


For Emergency Assistance During A Disaster:

Emergency: dial 911

Link> Shandaken Emergency Preparedness Flyer

How to post your address number on your property

Or go to your nearest Firehouse:

Phoenicia M.F. Whitney Hose Company – 58 Rt. 214 Phoenicia, NY 12464- Phone: (845) 688-7315

Shandaken/Allaben Hose Company – 7390 Rt. 28, Shandaken NY 12480 – Phone: (845) 688-7009

Mount Tremper, Onteora Hose Company – 24 Ingersol Rd. Mt. Tremper, NY 12457 – Phone: (845) 688-7158

Big Indian – Oliverea Hose Company – 8 Firehouse Road, Big Indian NY 12410 Phone:(845) 254-9962

Pine Hill Fire District – 265 Main St. Pine Hill, NY 12465 Phone: (845) 254-5244

If the need arises you will be directed from the Firehouse to a designated Shelter.

ASPCA’s Disaster Preparedness Steps for Domesticated Animals:  https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/general-pet-care/disaster-preparedness

 FEMA’s Are You Ready Guide:  https://www.fema.gov/pdf/areyouready/areyouready_full.pdf

 FEMA’s Coastal Construction Manual:  https://www.fema.gov/media-library-data/20130726-1510-20490-2899/fema55_voli_combined.pdf *Note:  I realize Shandaken is not a coastal community but it has higher building standards that provide an extra level of flood protection.

 FEMA’s Homeowners Guide to Retrofitting:  https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2020-07/fema_nfip_homeowners-guide-retrofitting_2014.pdf

 FEMA’s Disaster Preparedness Kit Checklisthttps://www.ready.gov/kit

Flood Water Safety

The Homeowner’s Ultimate Guide to Natural Disaster Safety

Saving the Whole Family: Disaster Preparedness for Small and Large Animals

Floods: People with Disabilities — Disaster Safety

Disaster Readiness Tips for People with Mobility Disabilities

Hurricanes for Kids — Safety Resources, Facts & Projects

Coping with Disaster

Nov. 14, 2013 Ulster County is currently updating the All-County Hazard Mitigation Plan.

The Plan is a coordination of strategies to help different municipalities become more resilient to several identifiable natural and man made hazards that could occur at any given time.It was our participation in the past that has made us eligible for a number of programs for funding prior to/ during / following disasters.

Most notably it gives us more strength when applying to FEMA for mitigation efforts.The Plan is being revised over the next few months and will be considered for re-adoption by our municipality upon completion over the coming months. Here is the link to the plan and progress.

Nov.8,2013 Was Your Home Storm Damaged? Do You Need Help? >>Home Rehab Grants Are Available

Sept. 16, 2013 – Warner Creek Photos – Completed project by Hubbell Brothers.

Clay bank stabilization and stream channel realignment. Step Pool Vane.

Click to Enlarge Click to Enlarge Click to Enlarge


Stream Work in Chichester Begins

Posted on: August 5th, 2013 by Leslie_Zucker

A stream project has recently begun to repair three sites on the Stony Clove Creek between the Sil­ver Hol­low Rd. bridge and Route 214 bridge in Chich­ester. These projects con­tinue repairs to the Stony Clove in Chich­ester that began with a project com­pleted in 2012 down­stream of the Sil­ver Hol­low Rd. bridge. The con­nected projects are designed to sta­bi­lize heav­ily eroded areas through a com­bi­na­tion of in-stream struc­tures and stream­bank sta­bi­liza­tion. This year’s project will address one of the larger sources of chronic tur­bid­ity in the Stony Clove Creek and the Ashokan Watershed.

July 16, 2013 – The Preliminary Flood Maps for the Town of Shandaken can be viewed through the Parcel Viewer available on the Ulster County website at the following link: http://gis.co.ulster.ny.us/

For ease of use follow these directions as the parcel viewer works best when focused on a concentrated area.
1) Click the link above
2) Click on all features on left side of screen except: “Civil Boundaries” and “Roads”
(This will help you get to your general area using the tools above the viewer.)
3) Click on “Tax Parcels” (This will help you focus on your property.)
4) Click on “Water Resources” and the “+” symbol
(This will provide a drop-down menu)
5) Click on “FEMA FIRM Areas 2013 Preliminary”
(This illustrates the preliminary 100 year flood plain.)
6) Click on “Aerial Photos” to illustrate the location of your structure in relation to the 100-yr flood plain.
7) You MAY Click “FEMA FIRM Areas Pre-2007” to show the changes from previous mapping.
If you have any questions regarding FEMA Flood Mapping, do not hesitate to call the Town Building Department at 688-5008


Sign up for Emergency Alerts for our area. They can be sent to your landline Phone, Cellphone, text or email>>>NY Alert - Sign Up NOW!

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hydro nwsright

For local updates: Ulster County Emergency Services Website

Ulster County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan


Recovery Information

12/13/12 Link to Notice from FEMA about Buyouts

11/12/12 To All Town of Shandaken/Ulster Co. Residents  from Emergency Management Coordinator- Art Snyder:

Ulster County has been declared eligible for FEMA’s Individual Assistance program – this will help families recover from the effects of Sandy. Individuals and families may apply on line at DisasterAssistance.gov or by telephone at (800) 621-3362 (FEMA). On Wednesday there will be meeting with FEMA officials about establishing a Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) that will supply access to the various FEMA services available under this declaration. Ulster County will work to incorporate a Small Business Association presence at the DRC to assist the many businesses that sustained damages. We wish to emphasize there is no need to wait for a DRC to open – we encourage residents to apply on line or by telephone.
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There are a number of resources available to you in your effort to recover from emergency situations. Below is a list of all the organizations and information that is available to assist you in mitigating further damages from future events.

JULY 23, 2012 – Joint Effort to Restore our streams – first of many projects to come! At no additional cost to our town. This work is being done off Silver Hollow Rd. in Chichester – Stony Clove Creek – Restoring retaining walls by clay bank. Thanks to: UC Soil & Water, Town of Shandaken, NYSDEP & Natural Resources Conservation Services!


 July 18, 2012 – Link to : NYSEG Workshops to Help Non Residential Customers Apply for Emergency Economic Development Storm-Recovery Funds

NOTE:  New York State Disaster Case Management Program is available to you if you were affected by Hurricane Irene or Tropical Storm Lee. The goal of this program is to connect you with services that may help you and your family. They can assist even if you were not eligible for FEMA or SBA assistance. Call them at 571-388-7347 or 571-388-7323.

Phoenicia Bridge St. Bridge Is OPEN!

Bridge was opened today! 5/25/12 – One month ahead of schedule.  Our Heartfelt Thanks to Ulster County DPW & Ulster County Executive Mike Hein.  (Photos of event can be seen on our Town of Shandaken Facebook Page!)

FEMA has extended registration until December 15th. To register, call the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362. Phone lines are open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. ET, seven days a week until further notice. People with hearing disabilities can use the TTY number, 800-462-7585. Applicants can also register online at www.DisasterAssistance.gov or with any web-enabled mobile device or smartphone at m.fema.gov. Follow the link to “apply online for federal assistance.”

Click to download an updated FEMA resource guide to assist you in the funding and processes for assistance:


SHARP – ROTARY- UPAC Flood Relief Funds

Thanks to the recent “Shelter from the Storm” benefit concerts at the UPAC and Levon Helm Studios, Managing Director of Production for Bardavon, Stephen LaMarca, recently presented the SHARP Committee and the Phoenicia Rotary Club with a generous donation of $35,000 to help with our ongoing efforts to provide assistance to residents affected by the floods brought on by Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee.

The Rotary Club fund received $10,000 to be distributed in amounts up to $500.00 to assist with the cost of replacement of items and food as well as other needs associated with the floods.

SHARP received $25,000 to be distributed in amounts up to $2,500.00 to assist with home rehabilitation and other homeowner needs associated with the floods.

A quick and easy application for assistance for either fund can be downloaded from the Town of Shandaken web site and can also be picked up at the SHARP Office located at 98 Main Street in Phoenicia, Mon. through Thurs.

9a-4p.   Call Buffy Kibe, Director of SHARP, at 688-5777 for more information about this or other relief funds available to residents.



Lost Work? – If you have lost employment or work due to Irene please click the link below to investigate whether you, or your employees are eligible for unemployment benefits through the NYS Department of Labor.

NYS Dept. of Labor website

LOST HOMES: If your insurance company has designated your home a total loss and asked to have it demolished please contact Zoning Officer Rich Stokes @ (845) 688-7165 for a demo permit. There are a number of private contractors that can assist in the removal of home demolition materials. The Town will not pay for the equipment or labor for demolition, the Catskill Watershed Corporation, may have “Stream Debris Removal” funds available to assist you in this capacity, which will allow you to retain ownership of your property vs. a FEMA buyout where the property is to be forever publicly held. For more information contact CWC at (845) 586-1400 or at: http://www.cwconline.org/

INSURANCE ISSUES?: Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said his staff is setting up offices in the hardest-hit areas of New York to directly address concerns related to price gouging, insurance policies and delayed debt payments, among other issues. In Ulster County, representatives from the Attorney General’s Office will be available from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept. 21 and 28 in the county executive’s office at the County Office Building, 244 Fair St., Kingston. For more information, go to www.ag.ny.gov.

APPLIANCES LOST? : Governor Cuomo Announces $8 Million Household Appliance Program. NYSERDA is offering grants to victims of Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee through the New York Storm Relief Rebate Program. With funding from the American Recovery and Investment Act, the $8 million program will assist New Yorkers in the replacement of household appliances that were lost or damaged in the recent flooding. Click the link to download a pdf describing the availability and how to apply:

Household Appliance Grants for Storm Recovery

Ulster County Community Action: is helping the flood victims affected by Hurricane Irene. Please have your clients contact our office. The income guidelines are 125% Poverty Guidelines. They will assist the clients with: Providing emergency food, water, home cleaning supplies; Providing appliances to families whose appliances were damaged due to flooding or power outages; Providing temporary housing assistance to those who remain homeless due to the flooding and power outages. For more information please contact: UCCAC, 70 Lindsley Ave, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-8750 Ext 105

 Other Resources and Links

Resources and Links
New York State Office of Emergency Management – Mitigation Section: http://www.dhses.ny.gov/oem/mitigation/
NewYork State Department of Environmental Conservation: http://www.dec.ny.gov/index.html
New York City Department of Environmental Protection: http://www.nyc.gov/html/dep/html/home/home.shtml
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Home Page: www.fema.gov
FEMA Hazard Mitigation Division: www.fema.gov/about/divisions/mitigation/mitigation.shtm
FEMA – Region II: http://www.fema.gov/about/contact/regionii.shtm

Mitigation Planning
FEMA Hazard Mitigation Planning Page: http://www.fema.gov/plan/mitplanning/
Mitigation Planning Guidance Documents: http://www.fema.gov/plan/mitplanning/guidance.shtm#3

Flood Insurance and Grant Programs
National Flood Insurance Program: www.fema.gov/business/nfip/index.shtm
FEMA Mitigation Grant Programs: http://www.fema.gov/government/grant/hma/index.shtm

Hazard Mitigation Planning Laws, Regulations and Guidance: http://www.fema.gov/plan/mitplanning/guidance.shtm

Hazard Information
FEMA Hazard Support: www.fema.gov/hazard/index.shtm
National Weather Service – National: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/
National Weather Service Forecast Office – Binghamton, NY: http://www.erh.noaa.gov/bgm/