Medical Lending Shed & Senior Services

Town of Shandaken HEALTH SHED offers temporary loan of Home Medical Equipment to residents.  Located behind the  Town Hall on Rt. 28  Shandaken.

Call 688-5004 or stop by Town Clerks Office. 



Various items available: Wheel Chairs, Hospital Beds, Walkers, Crutches, Potty & Shower Chairs, Braces, Canes, etc. 

We are also accepting quality donations!

Shandaken Senior Lunch Program

The Senior Lunch Program is available for seniors from Noon to 1 PM, Tuesday and Thursday except holidays April-November in the meeting hall of the United Methodist Church on Church Street. Advance registration of 48 hours is required. Please call 845-418-2540 to sign up. Donations help pay for the lunches, heating, and utilities. Volunteers are welcome; stop by or call to see what help is needed.
