TAX Bill Lookup & Pay – This link will direct you to Town of Shandaken Town & County Taxes   – At midnight on January 1st, tax bills be loaded to website. , You will be able to view  Shandaken Tax Bills, Print out – mail in, or Pay taxes online, with E-checks at a flat $1.50 fee or MC/Visa/Discover Cards (at an additional 2.65% bank processing fee).

Payments received – are updated to website daily & you may also print out your receipt or save as a pdf to email.

You can also look up previous bills back to 2018.

Or Submit by Mail: Tax Collector PO Box 67 Shandaken NY 12480. Please make check out to ‘Tax Collector’ When mailing payment, include the payment stub with check. We only accept exact amounts of Full, 1st or second payments (when applicable).

Tax Payments received by January 31st or postmarked by that day, are penalty free. February payments – 1% penalty added, March 2%, April 3%, May 4%. Payments are accepted to May 31st & postmarked up to June 1st, 2021. After that date, contact Ulster County Treasurer to arrange payment. (845) 340-3460.
for more information email

November 10, 2020 – To All Loan, Mortgage & Escrow Services pertaining to 2021 tax requests for Town of Shandaken, NY:

We have implemented our own Tax Lookup website at

To streamline tax requests we have enabled the website to gather all tax bills electronically. For the 2021 tax season we will require all Escrow, Mortgage & Loan services send us their bill requests electronically by CSV code.

These must be in single column, and SBL (Section-Block-Lot number) format, no Swis code. No zero’s at beginning.  Example: 4.72-1-7 or 13.16-3-32  And email to

Following this request, we will gather all bills & send back to your email a list of all bill requested in a pdf format which can then be printed out. The file will also have total of taxes due on total of all bills.  If your company requires less than 25 bills, we ask that you gather the bills from your end on our website:

Sincerely,   Joyce Grant – Shandaken Town Clerk – Tax Collector