10/7/19 – Resolution Awarding Bid – Septic Project 2017055
10/4/19 – Bid Summary Sheet – Shandaken Septic Project #2017055
April 6, 2019
Resolution # 76-19 Offered By: VanBlarcum
Establish Shandaken Septic Maintenance District
Whereas, A resolution having been adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Shandaken, New York (the “Town”), on December 3, 2018, the Town Board adopted a resolution accepting and adopting the materials needed for the formation of the Shandaken Septic Maintenance District (“Septic Maintenance District” or “District”), including a description of the proposed District, reciting that the cost of the formation of the District will be fully subsidized by the City of New York and potentially State and Federal grants, directing a copy of the Engineer’s Report and Plan, Service Area Map, and a detailed explanation of the costs to each residential and non-residential landowner to be placed in the Town Clerk’s office and made available for public inspection, and specifying that said Town Board shall meet at the Shandaken Town Hall, Town of Shandaken, New York on the 22nd of January, 2019, for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on such proposal to establish the District and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same, and a hearing having been duly held by said Board at such time and place, it having been duly resolved and determined following such hearing that the notice of hearing was published and posted as required by law and otherwise sufficient, that all the property owners within the proposed District were benefitted thereby, that all property owners benefitted were included within the limits of the proposed District, and that it was in public interest to grant in whole the relief sought, and it having been then and further duly resolved that the establishment of such District as proposed be approved, subject to permissive referendum in the manner provided in Town Law Article 7, and a certificate of the Town Clerk having been filed pursuant to Town Law § 209-e(4), certifying the results of the special election held on March 30, 2019 stating that a majority of the residents of the District voted in favor of the establishment of the District, and the permission of the State Comptroller not being required pursuant to Town Law § 209-f.
Therefore Be It Resolved that the District be established in the Town and designated as the Shandaken Septic Maintenance District with the description and boundaries as set forth in Exhibit A; and
Be It Further Resolved that the Town Clerk of the Town of Shandaken is hereby authorized and directed to cause a certified copy of this order to be duly recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Ulster County in which the Town is located, within ten (10) after the adoption of this order; and
Be It Yet Further Resolved that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file a certified copy of this order with the New York State Comptroller’s Office, Albany, New York, within ten (10) days after the adoption of this order.
4/1/19 – Shandaken Septic District Vote Results. 27 Voters: 26 Yes, 1 No. Passed
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the proposition described below will be held on Saturday, March 30, 2019, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Qualified electors are to vote at the Town Hall, located at 7209 New York State Route 28, in the Town of Shandaken.
The Proposition is:
SHALL the qualified electors located in the proposed Septic Maintenance District of the Town of Shandaken, in the County of Ulster (“District”), approve the Resolution, adopted by the Town Board of the said Town on the 22nd day of January, 2019, which resolution authorizes the establishment of a septic maintenance district with the general boundaries of said proposed district being those properties located in the Hamlet of Shandaken. The entire cost of the District will be funded by the Catskill Watershed Corporation (CWC) through a grant from New York City. Approximately one half of the septic systems within the District will need to be replaced in the initial year. After the initial year, it is anticipated that the remaining half will be replaced at a rate of one per year (or as needed). Upon completion of the initial replacement and/or repair of failing septic systems, CWC will provide the Town with an endowment to fund the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of the septic systems located within the District for as long as there are funds remaining in the account. No local funds will be spent on the design, permitting and construction of the District. The property owner can refuse to participate and/or refuse to allow access in which case, the District will have no responsibility to repair/upgrade/replace that system. If the property owner agrees to participate, the District will take full responsibility for designing, permitting, and constructing the replacement system and closing the existing septic system. The property owner will continue to own the new replacement system and the District will be responsible for its maintenance.
Dated: February 20, 2019
Joyce Grant – Town Clerk
Shandaken Town Board will hold a Public Hearing at Shandaken Town Hall, 7209 NYS Route 28, Shandaken, NY 12480 on
Pursuant to Resolutions 137-18 & 138-18, The Town Bd. Of the Town of Shandaken will hold a Public Hearing on January 22, 2019 at 6pm at the Shandaken Town Hall, 7209 Rt. 28. Shandaken, NY for consideration of the Shandaken Hamlet Septic Maintenance District Sewer Use Law. Also, the Town Bd. will address the proposal to establish a Septic Maintenance District in the hamlet of Shandaken, and will here all those in favor or against such proposal. SEE VIDEO Of 1/22/2019 Meeting
Tuesday, November 20, 2018 @ 6:30 PM for the purpose of hearing all information regarding the possible formation of a Shandaken Septic Maintenance District in the hamlet of Shandaken