Ulster County has been declared eligible for FEMA’s Individual Assistance program


11/12/12 To All Town of Shandaken/Ulster Co. Residents from Emergency Management Coordinator- Art Snyder:

Ulster County has been declared eligible for FEMA’s Individual Assistance program – this will help families recover from the effects of Sandy. Individuals and families may apply on line at DisasterAssistance.gov or by telephone at (800) 621-3362 (FEMA). On Wednesday there will be meeting with FEMA officials about establishing a Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) that will supply access to the various FEMA services available under this declaration. Ulster County will work to incorporate a Small Business Association presence at the DRC to assist the many businesses that sustained damages. We wish to emphasize there is no need to wait for a DRC to open – we encourage residents to apply on line or by telephone.