can be viewed through the Parcel Viewer available on the Ulster County website at the following link:
Special Meeting Thursday July 25 at Shandaken Town Hall 1pm. Rt. 28 Shandaken – to view maps.
For ease of use follow these directions as the parcel viewer works best when focused on a concentrated area.
1) Click the link above
2) Click on all features on left side of screen except: “Civil Boundaries” and “Roads”
(This will help you get to your general area using the tools above the viewer.)
3) Click on “Tax Parcels” (This will help you focus on your property.)
4) Click on “Water Resources” and the “+” symbol
(This will provide a drop-down menu)
5) Click on “FEMA FIRM Areas 2013 Preliminary”
(This illustrates the preliminary 100 year flood plain.)
6) Click on “Aerial Photos” to illustrate the location of your structure in relation to the 100-yr flood plain.
7) You MAY Click “FEMA FIRM Areas Pre-2007” to show the changes from previous mapping.
If you have any questions regarding FEMA Flood Mapping, do not hesitate to call the Town Building Department at 688-5008