March 7, 2011
The Town Board met this date as per Resolution #54 with the following members present: Supervisor Stanley, Councilman Bartlett, Bernstein, Jordan and Malloy.
Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag
Roll Call
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a local law has been introduced in the Town board of the Town of Shandaken, this Local law Number 1 shall be known as “ TOWN OF SHANDAKEN PARKS & RECREATION BOARD” Chapter 38A of the Code of the Town of Shandaken.
A copy of said proposed local law is on file in the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Shandaken at 7209 Route 28, Shandaken, New York.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that a public hearing upon said proposed local law will be held at the Shandaken Town Hall on the 7th day of March 2011 at 6:30 pm in the afternoon, and that an opportunity to be heard in regard thereto will then be given to those favoring passage of such proposed local law and also to those opposed thereto.
Laurilyn J. Frasier, RMC/MMC
Shandaken Town Clerk
Kathy Jordan – I’m in favor of this law.
Several members of the audience wanted to know how this law came about,
Supervisor responded by saying that a lot of it was boiler plate to what is in the Planning Board bylaws.
Chris Fisher – how will the selection process be done for selecting a board.
Supervisor – interested persons will have to submit a letter or resume and the Town Board will interview and make a selection.
Peter DiSclafani – what about finances? Supervisor they will have a budget the same as the Zoning and Planning Boards and upon approval by the Town Board they will be able to make purchases.
Discussion on the fees for the parks. Supervisor – reservations are already taken by the Town Clerk for the Glenbrook and Supervisor’s Secretary for Big Indian and a fee of $50 is charged for the reservation.
Mary Herrmann – When the town took the Big Indian Park over it was suppose to be free and the town has been charging for the use of the pavilion. How can this be, citizens are not suppose to be charged for using the park and I don’t feel that if I want to have a birthday party for my grandson I should have to pay $50.
Supervisor – I will have to look at the agreement. This public hearing is not about fees.
Chris Fisher – asked if the soccer fields were part of the parks. Supervisor – no,
Tina Rice – then the Festival of Voice will have to follow the same process to use the parish field. Supervisor – yes
Heather Roberts – where would soccer come into play then. Supervisor – that would be a decision of the whole board.
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Public Hearing Parks & Recreation Board
March 7, 2011
Kathy Nolan – are there any support services for this board? You made mention several times that this board will be very similar to the Planning Board, but the Planning Board has a secretary, this is a lot of extra work, taking reservations, handling phone calls, etc.
Supervisor – the secretary is a non voting member of this board, so it can be a volunteer that just wants to help out.
Councilman Bartlett – I must say that it is very easy now to come to the Town Clerk for reservations, instead of going to a meeting every month, what if you miss the meeting. Supervisor – this is a new board with new things that will have to be worked out.
Discussion within the Town Board on how things should be handled with regard to the reservations and the park managers. It was determined that once the Parks and Recreation Board is formed and has discussed this they will determine how they are going to handle things.
Kathy Jordan stated that if the reservations went through the Town Clerk then once a month she could report to the committee of who or what is going on in the parks.
Kathy Nolan – then the word monitor should be added to Section 38A-10 Section 4 (i).
Mary Herrmann – I feel that a five member board is too small, it will tend to be a click or political, the town is too big.
Heather Roberts – I think the way this will work is the Park Managers will draw volunteers from the community for help with the projects.
Discussion about what the Park Managers responsibilities will be, and who will over see the recreation activities like basketball and soccer. Supervisor the same organizations will be taking care of their activities as they are now. This Board will over see the Summer Recreation program.
Tina Rice – All I would like to see is that you pick fair people for your park managers so that there isn’t any politics involved.
Kathy Nolan, Heather Roberts and Town Board discussed section 38A-11 Reports and response time for any recommendations.
Supervisor stated that this is a new law and the new board will work things out and they go.
With no further discussion, public hearing was adjourned.
Motion by Supervisor Stanley to close Public Hearing, seconded by Councilman Bernstein, all in favor, motion carried.