Special Emergency Town Board Meeting
August 31, 2011
Supervisor Stanley call the special meeting to order at 10:00 am
People that where present,
Supervisor Stanley
Councilman Bernstein
Councilman Jordan
Councilman Malloy
Councilman Bartlett
Highway Superintendent Hofmeister
Deputy Town Clerk Byron
Supervisor Stanley stated that the flood will be declared a state disaster. FEMA and DART Team are here to assess houses and structures.
Motion by Supervisor Stanley to accept Gina Reilly’s resignation seconded by Councilman Bernstein all in favor motion carried.
Motion by Supervisor Stanley to hire a Building inspector/ ZEO for emergency basis seconded by Councilman Jordan all in favor motion carried.
First choice Art Christie, second choice Richie Stokes and the third choice Don Covello.
Supervisor Stanley and Highway Superintendent Hofmeister updates the Town Board on the status of the Town, what bridges and Roads are out. Everyone is safe, we are just trying to get them out. Mileage and anything you pay out of pocket pertaining to the flooding disaster should be written down and FEMA will reimburse you.
UCAT will be running a shuttle from main street Phoenicia to Belleayre continuing all day for showers, laundry and food.
If people are in need of water or dry ice it is located at the Shandaken Fire House.
Motion by Supervisor Stanley to adjourn the meeting in memory of all the life’s lost, seconded by Councilman Jordan all in favor motion carried.
Fallowing the Meeting Richard C Stokes Jr. was hired by the Town as Building Inspector and Zoning Enforcement Officer. Judge Crucet swore him in.